Short install video:
Detailed Installation Video (long version):
Detailed Modular (part by part) Installation and Troubleshooting:
Installation and Adjustments Manual Content (a printed manual comes with the kit):
This trigger kit is designed for use with the stock internals of the P365 to maintain full safety and reliability and is compatible with all P365 variants (P365, P365X, P365 XL, P365 SAS, including manual safety variants). Included in this kit is everything necessary to tune all key aspects of trigger performance: pretravel (distance from start to wall), sear engagement (wall/break feel and wall to break/reset distance), overtravel (amount of extra travel after the break), and pull weight. In line with the P365 design, this kit is modular and each aspect can be addressed independently to achieve desired results. Using all parts provided in this kit, pull weight is reduced to 3.5 to 4# after break-in, total travel is reduced by half, pretravel is light and smooth into a hard defined wall, and wall to break/reset distance is reduced by less than half compared to the stock trigger producing unparalleled performance and feel.
This kit includes 4 packages. Each of these packages independently adjust key aspects of trigger performance and have been designed to be used together to quickly install and achieve what we have found to be preferred by most defensive shooters. Each package can also be used independently to achieve desired results. These packages are and contain the following:
Pretravel: This package includes a stainless steel pretravel stop and will also include a modified OEM slide cap if purchased with the kit. The stainless steel pretravel stop comes fixed and preset at the minimum allowable pretravel to achieve full striker safety margins. The pretravel stop can also be permanently adjusted to provide increased pretravel if desired or needed for the unique tolerances of the gun. The optional modified OEM slide cap can be used to allow for slide installation and removal without the need to remove the slide cap when using the pretravel stop.
Sear Engagement: This package includes our patent pending Sear Control Springs (3 springs) and will also include a modified OEM manual safety lever if purchased with the kit for compatibility with manual safety models. The desired wall/break feel and travel distance from wall to break/reset to wall can be achieved by installing one of these springs. A higher numbered spring will increase this travel and may be perceived closer to a “rolling” type break and a lower numbered spring will tend to be perceived as a more “crisp” break but results are dependent on the unique tolerances of the gun. The modified OEM manual safety lever provides compatibility for manual safety models when using a Sear Control Spring.
Overtravel: This package includes a stainless steel overtravel stop. The overtravel stop comes fixed and preset to provide the maximum allowable overtravel reduction without striker safety interference to ensure full reliability. The overtravel stop can also be permanently adjusted to provide increased overtravel if desired or needed for the unique tolerances of the gun.
Pull Weight: This package includes a reduced power striker safety spring which when installed can reduce pull weight by as much as 1# and also provides smoother, lighter pretravel without compromise to safety or primer strike reliability.
Please ensure all materials provided with this kit are understood before proceeding with installation. In addition, these materials should be maintained as a reference. To provide additional understanding and insights, it is also recommended to view the video resources available at our website.
This kit should be installed by a certified and knowledgeable gunsmith. Due to tolerance variations between guns, safety and reliability margins should be inspected during installation and periodically thereafter during maintenance. Striker safety margin should be inspected to verify greater than 1/8 inch pretravel is present before the striker safety is defeated. Engagement of the sear to striker should be inspected to verify greater than full coverage of the sear interfacing surface. Although it is unlikely one or more Sear Control Springs provided in this kit will result in less than full sear coverage, a Sear Control Spring that provides greater than full coverage should be used in order to maintain full reliability. Tactical Trigger, LLC assumes no liability for installation or use of this product.
Installation Instructions: Ensure weapon is unloaded and no ammo is present for installation. Installation, adjustments, and safety checks should be performed by a certified and knowledge gunsmith.
First, start by removing the slide and grip module from the fire control unit and if present, remove the manual safety from the fire control unit. When removing the manual safety pay attention to capture the spring and detent to keep them from getting lost as you rotate the manual safety lever for removal.
Next, starting with the Sear Engagement package, install the desired Sear Control Spring over the safety lever pin. This is best performed by pulling the safety lever pin not quite all the way out of the fire control unit. Doing so can help to avoid allowing the sear spring to fall down requiring reseating before reinstalling the safety lever pin. When the safety lever pin is pulled back at this point, the safety lever will no longer be captured and can fall free. It may be best to set the safety lever aside for reinstallation later once a Sear Control Spring is installed over the safety lever pin. To install the selected Sear Control Spring, it can be helpful to use a tooth pick and/or small flat head screw driver to seat the spring in position. The sear may need to be pressed down or held down by the take down lever to get the spring seated correctly. Once the spring is in position, begin sliding the safety lever pin back into the fire control unit. The spring should now be around the safety lever pin inside the fire control unit. At this point, reinstall the safety lever. This is can be accomplished by noting its original orientation and patiently adjusting it while pushing the safety lever pin in until the hole is found. An alternate method involves removing the trigger spring and disconnector to expose the through hole to either visualize alignment or use a slave pin. Installation of this package is complete unless you need to install the manual safety lever.
The modified OEM manual safety lever is installed by inserting it into in the fire control module then rotating clockwise slightly, shifting into correct alignment, rotating counterclockwise to before the first detent notch, installing the spring and detent, then rotating counterclockwise further to complete installation. Note that the selected Sear Control Spring may need to be replaced later with a different one to achieve the desired results or based on the unique tolerances of the gun.
Next, using the contents of the Pretravel package, install the pretravel stop at the front of the trigger shoe. Pull the trigger slightly and insert the layered side of the pretravel stop between the front of the trigger shoe and fire control unit. The front end of the pretravel stop will wrap around the front of the fire control unit and is fully retained once the grip module is installed. Align the pretravel stop to the center and release the trigger shoe to temporarily hold in in place until the grip module is installed. If installing in a SAS model, check the slide catch and takedown lever function to decide if pretravel adjustment is desired before proceeding (see installation notes).
Next, using the contents of the Overtravel package, you are ready to install the overtravel stop and grip module. It can also be helpful at this point to oil internals before proceeding to install the grip module. The overtravel stop is fully retained once the grip module is installed. While holding the fire control unit upside down, place the overtravel stop at the back and underneath of the trigger shoe on the fire control unit keeping it centered and in correct orientation aligning with the tabs on the fire control unit. Using a small amount of oil on the surface of the fire control unit will help keep the overtravel stop in place while installing the grip module. With the overtravel stop now in position, carefully install the grip module while keeping the overtravel stop in place. Reinstall the grip module pin and installation of the lower is complete, unless later, adjustments are desired or needed based on the unique tolerances of the gun.
Next, remove the slide cap from the slide. While holding the striker safety down, remove the striker assembly. Then carefully remove the striker safety and spring. Using the contents of the pull weight package, install the reduce power striker safety spring and striker safety back into the slide. Again, holding the striker safety down, install the striker assembly. Next proceed to install the slide onto the frame without the slide cap installed to be able to proceed quickly into the safety and reliability checks.
Once the safety and reliability checks have been performed and passed, install the slide cap and installation is complete. Use either the modified OEM slide cap from the Pretravel package if it was purchased or the original. If adjustment is desired or needed, use this installation process as a guide for reassembly and be sure to perform the safety and reliability checks again after any adjustments.
Installation Notes: Although not necessary, for best results, start with a gun that has experienced initial break in with live fire and polish the striker to sear interfacing surfaces. Otherwise, a longer break in period may be required after installation to achieve the desired results. This break-in with use may be necessary to smooth out the action and settle into the final pull weight and break feel. Also ensure proper lubrication and avoid oil in the striker channel for best performance and reliability.
When using the maximum pretravel reduction provided by the pretravel stop, the takedown lever may need to be turned while pulling the slide back to release the slide catch during slide removal. This can be avoided if desired by increasing pretravel. This approach may be preferred on SAS models since tools are necessary to turn the takedown lever which makes it more difficult than on the other models. This can be adjusted before, during, or after initial installation if desired to avoid this behavior.
Trigger Safety and Reliability checks (DO NOT SKIP THESE STEPS): These checks should be performed during installation and regularly to ensure proper safety and operation. Ensure weapon is unloaded and no ammo is present for safety checks.
1. With slide removed, inspect for proper sear spring installation and function to return the sear upward when depressed.
2. With slide removed, inspect the striker safety for proper operation to fully block the striker when not depressed. Check for proper striker safety spring function by depressing and releasing the striker safety.
3. With the slide installed, slide cap removed, striker in the cocked position, and while holding down the striker sleeve, inspect engagement of the sear to striker interface in a well light area. Verify greater than full coverage of the striker over the sear interfacing surface. Pulling the trigger slightly beyond the wall can help better observe this engagement. The edge of the sear interfacing surface shouldn’t be visible until the trigger begins to travel beyond the wall. Although it is unlikely one or more Sear Control Springs provided in this kit will result in less than full sear coverage, a Sear Control Spring that achieves greater than full coverage should be used in order to maintain full reliability.
4. With slide installed, slide cap removed, and striker in the fired position, use a tool to apply pressure to the back of the striker to verify the striker is being blocked from moving forward by the striker safety.
While continuing to apply pressure to push the striker forward, pull the trigger slowly and observe the travel distance until the striker is allowed to move forward. The trigger travel should be greater than 1/8 inch before the striker safety is defeated to ensure full striker safety margin. Although unlikely, if less travel is observed, pretravel should be increased to achieve the full safety margin.
5. After striker safety margin has been verified in this configuration, continue to pull the trigger completely to the rear. Verify that striker is able to move freely past the striker safety without interference by continuing to hold the trigger pinned to the rear and moving the striker with the tool. Although unlikely, if interference is observed, overtravel should be increased to ensure full reliability.
Adjustment Notes: Ensure weapon is unloaded and no ammo is present before performing any adjustments. Any adjustments should be performed by a certified and knowledge gunsmith.
The parts of this kit should come ready to go for quick installation and usually without need for adjustment to achieve the results desired by most defensive shooters. However, due the unique tolerances of each gun, adjustments may sometimes be necessary or can also be performed as desired. If a more “drop-in” type installation is desired, it is recommended to use a higher numbered Sear Control Spring since its installation can be the most time consuming installation step. Adjustments can be achieved as follows:
Overtravel Adjustment: If increased overtravel is desired or necessary to achieve a clean break or avoid striker safety interference, this can be accomplished by bending back the top layer of the overtravel stop until it breaks away resulting in a permanent adjustment. The overtravel stop is originally 3 layers, so the resulting 1 and 2 layers can be kept as two options to select from. Restacking to a 3 layer is also possible by using a drop of oil between the layers to keep them together during installation of the grip module. Overtravel can affect break feel but also affects reset distance. For this reason, it is usually preferred to keep overtravel reduced as much as possible for shortest reset.
Sear Engagement Adjustment: Sear engagement adjustment is accomplished by using one of the three provided Sear Control Springs. If increased sear engagement is desired or necessary based on the unique tolerances of the gun, use a higher numbered Sear Control Spring. If more sear engagement is desired or necessary than can be achieved with the #3 Sear Control Spring, contact us for additional options. Depending on the unique tolerances of the gun, the #1 or #2 springs may provide more of a “crisp” break type feel and the #3 or #2 springs may provide more of a “rolling” break type feel. Sear engagement also affects the reset distance with the lower numbered springs providing the shortest reset. The behavior of these springs is relative to the tolerances of the gun and although it is unlikely to occur, a Sear Control Spring should not be used that results in less than full sear engagement. If by change this does occur, the spring can be retained as an option for another time if parts of the gun are replaced such as the slide, striker assembly, and/or sear.
Pull weight Adjustment: This is accomplished by using either the stock striker safety spring for a heavier pull or the provided reduced power striker safety spring for a lighter pull and smoother, lighter pretravel. The striker safety spring used can also affect the wall/break feel somewhat with the provided reduced power spring likely to produce the best results.
Pretravel Adjustment: If increased pretravel is desired or necessary, it can be accomplished be bending back the top layer of the pretravel stop tab until it breaks away resulting in a permanent adjustment. This is best done with a knife while being careful to only allow bending back of the top layer to avoid removing unintended layers. Additional layers can be removed if desired but it is unlikely that more than 1 layer would ever need to be removed to adjust for unique gun tolerances. Each layer removed results in approximately an additional 1/16 in pretravel.